Click Medical

Tilpas din protese, ortose eller sko med BOA Fit System

Om os

Click Medical har licensretten til brug af Boa® Fit System i specialtilpasset medicinsk udstyr i hele verden. Alle Click Medical sæt bruger Boa® til at muliggøre optimal tilpasning og justérbarhed med en enkelt dreje på en knap.
I 2010, inspireret af sine egne patienter og opsøgende arbejde på Haiti, opfandt Joe Mahon (medstifter) - ved hjælp af Boa®-skiverne - verdens første justerbare protesehylster, som han skar ud af sin kones snowboardstøvler.
Click blev født i 2014 og blev senere eksklusiv partner med Boa Technology, Inc.
I 2015 sælges de i hele Asien, Europa og Australien. Salget øges fra 3.000 patienter til 20.000 i 2016 og kommer på markedet i Rusland.
I 2017 bliver Click anerkendt med Hanger "Rising Star”-prisen for innovation, og i 2019 får de en udmærkelse i FastCompany’s "World Changing Ideas" for deres ”Can you Adjust?” uddannelsesprogram.

Click Medical is the exclusive worldwide licensee for utilizing the Boa® Fit System in custom medical devices. Each of Click Medical’s kits use the Boa® Fit system to enable high performance fit and adjustability with a simple turn of the dial.
In 2010, inspired by his own patients and his outreach work in Haiti, Joe Mahon (Co-founder) invented the world's first adjustable prosthetic socket using the Boa® dials he cut out of his wife’s snowboarding boots.
Click was born in 2014 and becomes exclusive partner with Boa Technology, inc. In 2015 are they selling throughout Asia, Europe and Australia. Going from 3.000 patients adjusted to 20.000 in 2016 and adding sales in Russia.
In 2017 are click recognized with the Hanger “rising star” award for innovation and in 2019 are they chosen as an honoree in FastCompany’s "World Changing Ideas" awards for their “can you adjust” educational program.
Partner status

Steamboat Springs - USA

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